Western Swing Band ResourcesOn this page you will find a variety of class resources. I'll continue to update this page as we learn new tunes and as I get more resources completed. If you scroll down to the bottom you'll find last terms tune archives & videos with songs, information, and techniques used in western swing.
April 2nd assignment!
Howdy Fine Folks!
It’s western swing night tonight! And while I am unable to meet with you in person or on Zoom tonight, I hope that we can still spend some time together working on our tunes. To help with motivation and to build some new skills, I’d love it if you would send me a video recording of you playing through ‘I’m tired of Everything But you’ You can choose to sing & play at the same time, or send me separate vocal and instrumental movies. To help with this process I have some new resource recordings posted on the website. These have a count in at the start, and vocal markers for the solos If you would like to do a solo, pick one of the 4, 8 bar solo sections and play accompaniment for the rest. This will help build in your internal bar counter. I’ve included several versions of the track, this is to help with vocals. The easiest way to record a video is to have the play along track in your headphones and use a second device to video. I do not care about sound or video quality at this point. Do a couple runs through, don’t worry it’s not perfect, and send it along. Please be kind to yourself ifyou decide to watch through your own video. Pretend that the person playing is not you, but one of your bandmates. What positive advice would you give them? What is ONE SPECIFIC thing that could be improved, Ex: Down strum should be snappier on 2 & 4, especially when the vocals come in. Try to keep that strong especially as more layers get added. Or maybe try playing through without vocals a couple times Ex: The entrance to the 3rdline fill was tentative. Try listening while following the music, or instead of playing the riff, clap it several times before adding in the notes. note: ‘be better’ is not specific, ‘tempo’ in general is not specific. Even better: send me the video BEFORE YOU LISTEN/WATCH IT. We transfer https://wetransfer.com is a great way to send video files. Or you can text them to me at 250-650-1166 or facebook messenger or share a link from dropbox. If you are having trouble sending this please let me know! I will send you all personalized feedback over the next week, on things you’re doing well and a couple things to work on. I miss you all. I’m tired of everything but you! Cheers A January 2020Term 1 @ The Abbey Studio in Cumberland
January 16, 23, 30 February 6, 13, 20 Term 2 @ The Abbey Studio in Cumberland February 27 March 5, 12 April 2, 9, 16 April 17 or 18 Recording March 13 Resources
March 5 ResourcesHere is a break down of the Slide Solo for guitars/Bari Uke
February 25 Resources
February 8 ResourcesI Hear You Talking MP3s:
The first one is just the full arrangement, the second is the same thing, but with a quiet count in to help with the instrumental entrance, and the 3rd is "karaoke" style one with no lead vocal.
Right or Wrong,
Play along track & Twin fiddle music. This track is at 190bpm, the original was 208bpm! also, the last riff is really loud. Just noticed that, so it may startle you a bit. oops.
January 23rd ResourcesHey everyone, please make sure you print/bring the lead sheets for these two review tunes to class next week.
New tunes this term so far are:
I'm Tired of Everything But You (Resources posted on Jan 16) I Hear You Talkin' - MP3s to come soon!
January 16th Resources.Good work to everyone who ventured out in the snowy slippery weather last night. We are off to a great start, and I can't wait to dive deeper into all of this repertoire as the weeks go on.
New tune: I'm Tired of Everything But You - Isham Jones (PDF package of all music below. Download and print the pages you need) * Fiddles, your part had some typos last night that I have fixed in this version. Review tunes: Sugar Moon Ain't no fun to be Alone In San Antone Western Limited Next week we will review the road maps for the above tunes, all of the solo sections are open at this time. We will make solo assignments closer to the end of term, so everyone should work on learning the melody instrumentaly.
Sheet Music:Ain't No Fun To Be Alone In San Antone - Key?
Don't Be Ashamed of Your Age - Walker & Wills - Key G
Home In San Antone - Floyd Jenkins - Key C
Nobody's Fool - Henry Hipkens
Route 66 - Nat King Cole
Sugar Moon - City Walker & Bob Wills - Key G
Western Limited - Pee Wee King - Key Bb
Who Calls You Sweet Mama Now?
Western Swing on Youtube.