Well Folks, Its been a blast, we've got one more class (May 3th) left before summer chaos breaks loose (Yes, I am aware that it is only May, but the season of Chaos is starting early this year) I know that I had originally said the term would go till May 10th, but I'll be reallllllly far away and don't own a teleporter to get me home for that class. So, Here is the up dated theory booklet... no new additions other than last weeks page. (for those of you who missed class, we didn't do theory this week)
If you are interested in what choral scores look like, or just want to explore some beautiful choral works here are a few videos to check out:
Hey Folksies, Heres an Mp3 of Pallet, melody and some harmony ideas. We're going to continue writing the harmonies in class, so be prepared to put your thinking caps on for a bit next week. This is a really important (and rewarding) skill to have in your tool kit. I know that it can seem really daunting and a bit like magic, but I promise we'll go slow. IF you don't want to learn how to create a harmony, sit back, and watch the process... There are others who have expressed a keen interest in working on this together, so we'll be spending some time on it next class, and who knows, you may just learn it by osmosis. We'll also be looking at how '7' chords are built, and I'll be fixing a typo in the big table of intervals (don't worry, its not something that has anything to do with anything we've done so far... thank you Sue and Bonnie for pointing it out). If you've missed the last few classes take a look at the basic theory workbook below, but don't worry if it doesn't make too much sense. I'll get you up to speed in class.
I'm working on a crash course in note reading, hopefully I'll have it up on the site by Sunday. The last thing I want to do is rush it and make the process more confusing than it already is.
cheerios a Hey Everyone, Spring has sprung, and we are now heading into the final FolkHarmonic Term before summer Apr 5, 12, 19, 26 May 3, 10 Next week (April 5th) I'm going to take a bit of time to try to explain a little bit about how chords are formed (without terrifying or confusing you too much). I've put together recordings for Swing 48 and Dark Eyes, you'll see them below.
Dark Eyes, so many was to sing it & Swing it! Pearl Django's version (Bottom Left) starts with waltz time and then switches to swing after a couple times through,
Ali RomanowFolkHarmonic Director Archives
May 2020