Hey Folks! If you're reading this congratulations! you've by-passed the security on this site! This week we looked at getting the melody consistent so that when we add in the Lickettes harmonies we'll have a solid base on which to build. For the key of A I ended up singing this mostly in the high octave, but switched certain parts down the octave since I was unable to consistently tune or hit the highest note. It was also super squeaky. Just be aware (gents) that there are times where I'm dropping down for "alright with me" "the world can see" etc.
The Key of D: After singing through in this key, I realized that there are parts that are pretty low in my range, if you're having a hard time hitting the lower notes, pretend you are speaking them. this will help your voice box stay neutral when singing.
Gaucho - Recordings & ChartsGaucho was the main tune that Wendy & Bob led while I was away galavanting in Germany... I just found the recordings & Charts that Wendy put together, so here they are!
Ya Khotiv Biwe're going to be bringing back some older repertoire over the next while, using the second half of class to polish, review and relearn tunes from previous terms. If you're new to Folk Harmonic, don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunity to catch up, and many of the mp3s, charts and exercises are posted on this blog. Just scroll down through the older posts or search for specific songs in the search bar and you'll find lots of things to help you learn these tunes. There isn't an Mp3 of this one yet, I'll put one together if it seems necessary down the road. Getting the Groove solid, and concise is really important in this one.
Guitar players: here's a video I made back when we were first learning this in January of 2015... both grooves are present, just be aware that the "A Part Groove" happens throughout the A sections (First 16 bars) and the Oom Pah pay Room Pahs happen during the B part (bars 17-25) Have Fun! see you next week! - a
My Old Timey Baby, in the Key of D is much more friendly for female voices. We're going to be arranging this tune in a way that will feature both male and female vocals, as well as the tight Lickettes style harmonies on the recording. Be warned that we will be doing an on-the-fly-key change in this one from A to D so practicing the tune in both keys is important.
![]() I've been a Dan Hicks fan for a while now, the quirky tunes, weird harmonies and interesting arranging and staging of his performances have always inspired me. I was sad to hear of his passing, but glad that it was a catalyst to share his music with all of you. Check out the violin solo at the start of the first video, and the choreography in the second. Also in the second video notice how they focus in on the bassist during his solo, its a bit overboard, but still a really cool way to say "check out what they can do" Box charts and chord sheets posted here are for the Key of A... be warned that we will be learning "My Old Timey Baby" in 2 different keys so that both ladies and gents have a chance to sing the melody. I'm in the process of uploading the videos from NIFPA onto youtube, I'm not the best at navigating the Tubes, so it will take a while. I'll let you know when they are up.
Ali RomanowFolkHarmonic Director Archives
May 2020