I was really impressed this week with how well everyone is playing! It's so exciting as a teacher to have such a willing audience to share this music with. Great work on the soloing and on learning the parts for Angel From Montgomery so quickly. Here are some resources for the new piece. (Also check out the youtube videos!!! so much inspiration to be found within) I'm providing a quick mp3 recording, with some slightly shaky harmonies which I will be fine tuning over the coming weeks. so sing along, but also know that I missed some notes here or there. I'll re-record it once they are nailed down.
I've written out a Sustain tone part for the verse & Chorus (As well as the intro that the Uke plays) But I wanted to share what the 'working copy' looks like and some info on how I come up with these parts. The first thing I do is break down the chords to figure out what notes are in each. - You'll notice I wrote out the entire progression, rewriting the chord tones each time. I find it is easier to work out the lines this way. the next step was to make a 'logical route' through the tones - In the verses I tried to move in small steps down ward from my start note, there are places where I had to jump back up because I ran out of the range of the fiddle. In the chorus I wanted there to be more energy so I started the sustain tones on the lowest possible chord tones (for the fiddle) and created an ascending line, again trying to make each line easy to play with small steps between notes. Compare the image of the brainstorming pages with what is written in the score for the verse and chorus... see if you can relate the two.
Hey Folks,
Just a reminder that I will be away October 21-25, so there will be no class on the 23rd. Folk Harmonic will resume Oct 30th with the start of a new term. see you on the flip side! A Great singing this week folks. It was all sounding so good! moving forward we'll do a balance of singing and instrumental stuff for the pieces and start putting together the arrangements so we can play all the way through tunes. Wagon Wheel Harmony Helpers
'Tain't What You Want Harmony Helpers & Outro
Istanbul (Constantinople)
Ali RomanowFolkHarmonic Director Archives
May 2020