HI Folksies! Thank you for such a lovely start to the New Year. It’s really inspiring to have such a great group of musicians to work with. I had hoped to do a more in depth/higher quality recording of the new tune today, (my working title seems to be “As the World Turns”) but I’m headed to Fort Simpson this weekend to teach at a fiddle camp, so for now there are 3 tracks, with melody & harmonys split and full 3 part. I’ll be adding more instrumental parts, verses etc as we go. The lyrics are: Every day sun comes up Every day sun goes down As the world turns around Hold on to my voice we’ll sing through together Cause music makes the world turn Takes the burn in our hearts and lights a fire Music makes the world turn, lonely as it seems Hold on to my voice we’ll sing through together
The tentative set list for the North Island Festival of Performing Arts (NIFPA) is as follows: A Love Like Yours Brother Drop Dead Gaucho As the World Turns the actual performance is on February 4, 6:30 pm... location TBA Brother Drop DeadWe did some work on arranging Brother Drop Dead last night, changes will be made to this road map, but this will get you started. There are charts and Mp3s posted from september if you scroll down a bit on this page. The road map so far is: Intro: (Chromatic Descending) Lines 1 & 2 - Solo Lines 3 & 4 – Solo Line 5 – Gents Line 6 – Ladies (rhythm: single shot on Brother) Intro Lines 1 & 2 - Solo Lines 3 & 4 – Solo Line 5 – Ladies (when HE popped the question) Line 6 – Gents (Rhythm: single shots – only, brother) Group solo/transcribed instrumental Lines 1 & 2 - Solo Lines 3 & 4 – Solo Line 5 – Every one Line 6 – Every one (Rhythm: Double shots) Improvised solos/Riff solos Verse 3 – Small groups sing each line, everyone sings last line plus tag Intro A Love Like YoursWe'll be doing a new arrangement of this one for the festival, but if people want to brush up on it and download the Mp3s/lyrics check out the archives from February 2015, (Located on the right hand of this page just under my bio at the top of the page) GauchoHere's where my disappearing to Fort Simpson at the last minute makes things a bit difficult... I don't have the music for Gaucho, but if you don't have it and you realllllly want to get started on it this week, you can send me an email at [email protected] and I'll forward your request onto Wendy or Bob and get it to you, If you have their email already then just ask them directly.
hope to see you all again next week as well as new folks too! all the best, Ali
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Ali RomanowFolkHarmonic Director Archives
May 2020